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Time has a Tendency

Life has a tendency to move too fast

So fast, we seem to forget the rest of of the siblings

In life's complex adventure .Some grow up , and never get married

I'm sure there were mitigating circumstances and walls that

could not knocked by our mere human strength;

That's when we should be listening to that inner voice inside

That's when we should be listening to that inner voice inside

If we don't pray together to stay together. Pretty soon, all love will become evaporated

There are some things, we must ride above, If we seek God's guidance,

If we seek a family, that truly love one another

Pray everyday, and don't let God get away

The time apart ,it could be years should not be so

Jesus is telling me today, it's time for change

It's time to mend our broken fences, with so much love

The so much love ,we 've been saving, it's time to share it with family

Time to mend fences, and try to make an effort, to be that family'

That is not ashamed of our Almighty God and Spiritual Lead

That one and only God can heal the blind, wounds we have caused to others,

Because they let their ego's stand in the way, and denied others

sometimes going first is a sign of love, something as simple as done in the Spirit Helps love ,and many other fruits of the Spirit to grow in us, Making us powerful witnesses

Because we try to always do the best we can.... the Jesus Way

Always put God's precepts. first.. If you don't understand them

We are one family, There are many things that get us in trouble

Stick close to the family shared with you,

In His love, if we make it, we can all sit back and laugh

But to those who were never Jesus strong,

Will you be missed by those good folks who never made it

Don'[t take a chance liker His love J Carrier 4- 27-2023


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